Worship Committee News

It has been a busy summer for the worship committee. We finished the Vesper Services which were held each Wednesday evening in the Chapel in the Woods. Each service was led by a different person and some were led by area pastors. All who attended felt blessed.

On August 28 we held a church picnic after the Sunday worship service followed by a concert with Tom Todd. Many thanks to all those who brought food and helped cook the hamburgers and hot dogs. We hope you were able to attend, if not you missed a great time!

Coming up in September and October we are planning to have a Suicide Awareness Sunday, World Communion Sunday, Laity Sunday and All Saints Sunday.

We will be celebrating All Saints Sunday on October 30th. We will be honoring those saints that have gone home to be
with the Lord: Walt Rogers, Grace Reese, Jon DeRidder, and Linda Alvey.

A big round of thanks to Louise Piker for her many years of service supporting and leading the church choir. The committee is searching for a choir director to lead the choir after her retirement as director. We hope to have the choir singing in church again this fall.

Please note: Our Charge Conference will be Sunday, October 16th at 4:30 pm at Hope Ridge UMC. All members of the Administrative Council should plan to attend. All members of the congregation are invited to attend.