Hey there Chapel Church people, it’s been almost a year since we had our last rummage sale, and we need to do another one! Chapel needs some fundraisers and you probably have accumulated a lot more stuff to get rid of since then. It’s also a way to reach out to our community to greet them and make ourselves known.
Rummage Sale Set-up
Thursday, July 20th
9:00 am
Rummage Sale
Friday, July 21st and Saturday, July 22nd
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
We are planning on having it indoors, in the Fellowship Hall, so we won’t have to worry about the weather. We will use the Narthex for large items, like furniture. We will have a sandwich, chips & beverage lunch sale, and a bake sale. Having a communal hallway clothing sale is under consideration, depending on how many of you volunteer to help. We are working on ideas to simplify the process.
We will be using the Fellowship Hall the same as we did last year. It turned out to be a very successful way to run it and we had fun together! We made it a social event with all of us together, with our own table(s), pricing our own stuff, and selling it. Buyers from each table were given a bill and made their payments to a central cashier. All proceeds will go to the General Fund with 10% of it going towards the Scholarship Fund.
If you have things to sell, but cannot be present to man your own table, please let us know so that we can help you with that. If you have friends that would like to donate their stuff and are willing to participate in the sale, please invite them, but make sure they are aware that the sale is to benefit the church.
Volunteers are needed to help with this project!
The planning committee will be meeting to figure out the details as soon as we know how many of you are willing to participate, either by selling at your own free table(s), donating food or helping in the kitchen with the lunches, donating and/or overseeing the sale of the baked goods to be sold, or helping with a clothing sale, should we decide to have one. Suggestions for simplifying the clothing sale would be gratefully accepted.
There is a sign-up sheet for volunteering on the table in the Narthex, or you can call Carolyn Means at (440) 417-3971. Sign-up sheets for donations of lunch food items and baked goods will be available later.
Please consider taking part! We will be reserving tables soon and they will not cost you anything. In fact, each table will come with a free lunch. Start gathering your stuff so you can let us know how many you need. In fellowship together, we can again make this a successful and fun event. Prayers are always appreciated!