Each quarter we collected our noisy change, dollars, checks, and any form of currency for a mission chosen by the Missions/Evangelism Committee. Thanks to the generosity of Chapel UMC, we collected and donated over $4,500 last year. We are planning to continue our Noisy Change quarterly collections for the first quarter of 2022 ending on March 27th. The noisy change collection will go to Project Hope for the Homeless in Painesville – Lake County’s homeless shelter. Furthermore, we collected new pillows for the shelter in the month of February. A total of 33 pillows are being delivered to the shelter the first week of March.
Thank you Chapel Church for your generosity and caring enough to reach out and help. We will be announcing the mission we are collecting our Noisy Change each quarter – so stay tuned to the bulletins, emails, and future newsletters for the announcements. Remember that I asked us to move beyond donations to actions that will meet the needs of those in our community and beyond.
Thank you,
Janet Vickery
Missions/Evangelism Chairperson (Cheer Leader)