Noisy Change Challenge Update

Your commitment to the mission and ministry at Chapel UMC has made an impact in our community and out into the world. We increased our mission giving by 67% in 2022. In 2023, we are still spreading hope out into our community with our mission giving.

Noisy Change Challenge Update

Each quarter Chapel UMC focuses on a mission project. Parishioners save their change for the quarter and then it is collected for the mission. First quarter we collected for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). Thanks to our Chapel Church Family, we were able to send $950.00 to this important mission.

Second quarter of 2023, we collected $652 for the Nehemiah Missions of Cleveland in our Noisy Change Challenge on June 25th.

Third quarter of 2023, we collected $625 for North Elementary School of Madison Local Schools. They were able to use some of the money to purchase a much needed laminator for teachers to use. We also donated three bags of school supplies which teachers will distribute to where it is needed.

Fourth quarter of 2023, Our Noisy Change Challenge Collection for Hannah’s Home in Mentor was $752. We also donated $500 to UMCOR’s special advance to benefit the relief effort in war torn Ukraine and Middle East. The East Ohio Board of Missions matched our donation to this fund on November 28th – Giving Tuesday.

Total Missions giving for 2023 so far is $3,479.00 plus we were able to help families in need of food and gas through gift cards from Giant Eagle, Secret Santa’s provided a Christmas for 6 children and 26 more children through our connection with MCMA, Salvation Army, and the “Sheetz Kids” program.

Thank you, people of Chapel UMC, for sending God’s love out into the world in significant and amazing ways!

Our First Quarter Noisy Change Challenge for 2024 will be for UMCOR. The collection date will be Sunday, March 24, 2024.

Thank you,
Missions/Evangelism Committee