Each quarter we collected our noisy change, dollars, checks, and any form of currency for a mission chosen by the Missions/Evangelism Committee. Thanks to the generosity of Chapel UMC, we collected and donated $756 to Project Hope for the first quarter and $748 to UMCOR for the second quarter. We are planning to continue our Noisy Change quarterly collections. Our Next Noisy Change Challenge is for a local mission – Madison Schools. We would like to purchase three Buddy Benches for North Elementary School and for Madison Middle School.
The idea is simple – if a child feels lonely, they can go to the bench as a signal that they need someone to play with. Another child will see them, go and talk to them and include them in their games. Buddy Benches can benefit all children, not just the
ones who are feeling isolated. It teaches children empathy by showing them how to recognize when someone else is in need and how we can be kind to them.
As you know we held a rummage sale in July which brought in over $1,400 of which ten percent is going towards this quarter’s missions project, the Buddy Benches for the local school district.
The due date will be Sunday, September 25th, 2022.
Thank you,
Janet Vickery
Missions/Evangelism Chairperson (Cheer Leader)