We have finally been able to complete the make over of the library into our Prayer/Meditation Room. There is a red easy chair for quiet relaxing time – one may pray, meditate or take a power nap and let God speak to you in your dreams. You may choose to read – there are books available on a shelf in the room or bring one from home. We have placed a kneeler in the room if you would like to pray on your knees. We have placed an MP3 player so that one may listen to music downloaded on your phone (it is a simple matter to pair the MP3 device to your phone). You can also listen to the Christian music station 95.5 The Fish if desired. We also have two other chairs in the room so that two to three people may share the space. The whole idea is to keep the room a sacred meditation space where one can tune in to hear the voice of God speaking.

Mr. Means has been busy replacing lights with LED bulbs in the basement and elsewhere throughout the building. We are almost 90% complete. We have continued to work on maintenance and up keep of our building – it is our first priority goal. We wish to thank all those who have continued to contribute to the supply and repair fund of the trustees by either dollars or by saving aluminum cans.
A thank you goes out to our scrubbing angels who come to the church to clean on the third Thursday of each month – it helps a lot!
God is Good, God is Good, All the time,
Chapel Church Trustees