Your commitment to the mission and ministry at Chapel UMC has made an impact in our community and out into the world. Because of your generous hearts, we were able to send a total of over $3,500 in 2022 to UMCOR, Project Hope for the Homeless, Sub-Zero Mission for the Homeless, and ZOE mission for orphans. In addition, we sent 40 pillows to Project Hope, three bins of items to Sub-Zero, and purchased three Buddy Benches for our two local elementary schools and the middle
school which were greeted with overwhelming excitement and appreciation. Through gift cards from Giant Eagle, we were able to help families in need of food and gas, especially when prices were high. Secret Santas provided a Christmas for ten
Thank you, people of Chapel UMC, for sending God’s love out into the world in significant and amazing ways!
Noisy Change Challenge Update
Each quarter Chapel UMC focuses on a mission project. Parishioners save their change for the quarter and then it is collected for the mission.
First quarter we collected for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). Thanks to our Chapel Church Family, we were able to send $950 to this important mission.
Second quarter of 2023, we have selected the Nehemiah Missions of Cleveland for our Noisy Change Challenge. This is currently a conference Advance Special. They distribute food and clothing, work with children at a homeless women and children center and repair residential homes and much more. Stay tuned as we explore all the opportunities involved with this mission.
Our Second Quarter Noisy Change Challenge for 2023 will be for Nehemiah Missions of Cleveland. The collection date will be Sunday, June 25, 2023.
Thank you,
Missions/Evangelism Committee