The trustees have decided to designate the month of May as clean-up month. Small groups or individuals may choose to come to the church and clean up a flower bed or other areas that may need cleaning, weeding, blowing, raking, etc. when they have time during the month. It can be any day or time of day you can make it – preferably when it is sunny. Simply choose an area that you would like to be responsible for and sign-up in the Narthex, email or call the church office so we can coordinate the effort. It will be first come, first serve basis. Larry will confirm your assignment so that no one does someone else’s area. It would be upsetting if someone came to weed an area only to find that someone already did it.
Mr. Means will park his dump truck in the east parking lot so we can put the debris there. So, bring your tools, shovels, rakes, blowers to help us clean and beautify the outside of our church. If you have a suggestion of something that needs to be done – forward it to the office, thanks.
There are inside chores as well, if you would prefer to work inside. The kitchen needs to be sanitized, the scrubbing angels will be here Thursday, May 20th at 10am to clean the restrooms, fellowship hall, hallways, sanctuary, narthex as well as the counseling and conference rooms. The Library/prayer room needs to be painted (walls & ceiling), curtains washed, & carpet scrubbed. The windows in the sanctuary (both inside & outside) need to be washed. The pews need a deep cleaning as well. The window air conditioners will need to be installed before the end of the month. The basement could use a sweeping, mopping, and removal of cob-webs.
Please choose an area from the map below.
A – The two large oval flower beds off Chapel Road side.
B – The daffodil flower bed back to the building, this also includes planting the portico flower beds, and donate the hanging Boston Ferns.
C – The azaleas and shrubs on the north side of the building including the hostas by the sidewalk.
D – The west and south side of the building, including the red leaf maple trees.
E – The Boy Scout vegetables beds (Girl Scouts are planting and maintaining both beds)
F – Weed under the benches and the ramp.
G – Clean up the leaves and trim what needs to be trimmed, weed the gravel sidewalk going to the bench. There are flower containers to be planted as well as hanging plants.
H – There is some sort of ivy growing up into the stain glass windows.
I – Weed among the bushes and mums
J – Sidewalk area and entrance to the Chapel in the woods.
K – Cleanup Chapel in the Woods – blow leaves from the gravel area, wipe down benches, get it ready for worship service. (Charlie & Troy Dahmer did initial clean-up, now – just maintain)