Girl Scout Update

Girl Scout Troop 71113 Meets at Chapel UMC during the school year on Friday evenings. These 18 girls are continuing to grow and positively impact the community with different service projects wherever they go. Thank you, Madison Chapel UMC, for making it all possible and being our home as we go into our 6th year of scouts.

Brownie troop 71141 and our newly formed Daisy Troop 71754 are also meeting at our church on Sunday afternoons. Daisy Troop 71754, made up of kindergarten and first grade students, have been busy learning The Girl Scout Promise and The Girl Scout Law, instilling what it means to be a Girl Scout.

Our third grade Brownie Troop 71141 has been busy completing several STEM badges, which have focused on learning
different STEM careers, digital leadership, and science experiments. We also plan to attend council sponsored events at
Greater Cleveland Aquarium and attend The Nutcracker at Playhouse Square.

The troops are preparing for several service projects this fall and winter. Both troops plan to sponsor Madison students from
the Santa Streaks program, providing Christmas gifts for families in need. Both troops also plan to participate in our service
unit’s food drive for Perry Pantry and Forbes House this November.