Discipleship and Resurrection Living

As we continue our Lenten journey moving to the glorious day of resurrection, it is a time for continued reflection on our personal and communal lives. How are we living into being disciples of Jesus Christ? What does it look like to revel in resurrection living and bring that hope and joy into the world? To start, Christ has to be the center of our lives:

“So, if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.”

(Colossians 2.1-2, The Message)

No one ever said being a disciple was easy, but it is what Jesus has asked us to be… together. Jesus did not do it alone and neither should we. It’s when we stand side by side that we become one in Jesus Christ, One Body in Christ, where all the parts are equally needed and important. We have the gifts among us to be in mission together as the “base camp” of God’s love for our community – freely giving, freely forgiving, freely living in the hope of the resurrection.

Beloved brothers and sisters, we’ve been walking together for seven years on an amazing journey of faith. It has been a great blessing to be with you all working toward discipleship and resurrection living. In this newsletter, I leave you with some final thoughts as you proceed into the great future God has planned for CUMC.

Being Faithfull

“Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8. 31-32 New Living Translation (NLT)

Being faithfull to the teachings of Jesus is all that God asks of us. Being faithfull results in our lives overflowing with the love and mercy of God. Our hearts are filled to the brim, bursting with life that is passed on to everyone we meet. We begin to realize this faithfull journey is not about us, but about being the disciples that will go to the ends of the earth to love God, love our neighbor as ourselves, and to make other disciples to change the world! We become intentional and committed to the ministry that Jesus revealed, not our own preferences and ways of being, but showing God’s ways by helping others and serving the Lord with great joy. This is resurrection living!

“Our firm decision is to work from this focused center: One man died for everyone. That puts everyone in the same boat. He included everyone in his death so that everyone could also be included in his life, a resurrection life, a far better life than people ever lived on their own.”

(2 Corinthians 5.15/The Message)

With Blessings of New Life and Great Joy,
Pastor Lenore