Bishop Tracy S. Malone, resident bishop of the East Ohio Conference, is the new president of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church. Malone is the first Black woman in the history of the worldwide denomination to be elected president of the Council of Bishops. “It gives me great joy to receive this honor that has been bestowed upon me, and I consider it a privilege for my colleagues to have elected me as the president of the Council of Bishops. To God be the glory,” Malone said.
Read the entire article by Rick Wolcott, executive director of Communications.
View all of the General Conference updates, including the video of the passing of the gavel to Bishop Malone, Bishop Malone’s Wednesday message about the historic decision to remove from The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church the restrictions on gay clergy and on performing same-sex marriages, while protecting those who choose not to perform same-sex marriages or have a same-sex marriage in their church, and Bishop Malone’s sermon from this morning. There have been many changes made at General Conference, and it may take awhile to fully understand them all. Question and answer sessions are being planned throughout the conference to give people an opportunity to ask questions and gain understanding. Stay tuned for the details.
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