Building God’s Reign in the Present for the Future

Beginning a new church year gives us time to think about how we will be God’s Reign-Makers. How will we reflect the hope that Christ brings into the world? What dream do we have for ourselves, our families, our community and the world? What can we do in the present to build God’s reign for the future? In a sermon on mature stewardship, Ernest Campbell, pastor of Riverside Church in New York City wrote:

  • To be young, is to study in schools we did not build. To be mature is to build schools in which we will not study.
  • To be young is to swim in pools we did not dig. To be mature is to dig pools in which we will not swim.
  • To be young is to sit under trees which we did not plant. To be mature is to plant trees under which we will not sit.
  • To be young is to dance to music we did not write. To be mature is to write music to which we will not dance.
  • To be young is to worship in churches we did not build. To be mature is to build churches in which we may not worship.

God expects us to manage and grow what we have been given and use it to build up the kingdom of God with a focus on the future. While Jesus provided many instructions in the New Testament on managing the resources God provides, the parable of the talents reflects the idea of mature stewardship (Matthew 25,14-30). The fearful servant buried the money and returned only what he had been given. He was reprimanded and condemned to the “outer darkness.”

Two of the servants managed and grew the money, doubling its worth. They returned it with grateful hearts to the one who had provided it. The master replied, “well done good and faithful servant” for they had trusted in the abundance of God and were responsible stewards.

My prayer for the coming church year is that we:

  • Keep our eye on the future with a trust and hope in God’s abundance and provision
  • Grow in generosity, build each other up, create community and unity in Christ
  • Dream about how to reach the children and all future believers who will come to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.

Blessings of Peace and Grace,
Pastor Lenore